According to the legislation indicated above, data processing, It will be based on principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights.

Omnimec S.r.l., with registered office at Via Castelnuovo 16 – 38050 Carzano (TN) As data of the treatment, informed in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR 2016/679, that the data will be processed in the manner and for the following purposes:

1) Subject Treatment

The Holder, processes personal data, identification and non-sensitive (in particular, name, surname, e-mail, telephone number – mobile - later, "Personal data" or "data") communicated to him.

2) Purpose of treatment

The processing of your data is founded on the consent and is maintained:

(to) for the proper performance of the contract signed between you and Omnimec srl Company;

(b) to fulfill the pre-contractual obligations, contractual and tax (VAT tax register etc.), arising from transactions outstanding;

(c) to fulfill the obligations required by law, by Regulation, under Community law or by an order of the competent;

(d) to exercise the rights of the Holder, for example, the right to defense in court;

(and) to allow the sending of newsletters and / or mailing list, communications, organization of events and additional services that may be required.

3) Processing methods

The processing of your personal data is realized by means of the operations indicated in art. 4 n. 2) GDPR and precisely: collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, utilization, interconnection, block, communication, erasure and destruction of data. Your personal data are processed both paper and electronic and / or automated.

4) Data access

The data will be made available, for the purposes referred to in point 2 that comes before, employees and consultants of the company Omnimec srl, in their capacity as employees and / or internal data processors and / or system administrators.

5) Data Communications

Your personal information may be disclosed to the Heads of charge by the Data Privacy. We also inform you that the data collected will not be communicated without your express consent, except for the necessary communications that may involve the transfer of data to public bodies, consultants or other entities for the fulfillment of legal obligations.

6) data transfer

The management and conservation of personal data will take place on servers located within the premises of the owner and / or the Data Processor.

The data will not be transferred outside the European Union. It is in any case understood that the Holder, where it becomes necessary, He has the right to move the location of the server if there was a need. Then, the Holder assures you right now that the transfer of data will be in accordance with the law.

7) Data Dissemination. Profiling Data.

Your personal data are not subject to disclosure. Your personal data are not subject to profiling

8) rights of

The Regulation gives individuals whose specific process personal information rights, among which:

(to) obtain confirmation of whether or not being a personal data relating to him and gain access to the same (art. 15 of the Regulations);

(b) obtain rectification of inaccurate personal data (art. 16 of the Regulations);

(c) obtain the cancellation of any personal data relating to him, in accordance with the law all'obli`o (art. 17 of the Regulations);

(d) obtain the limitation to the treatment by the Owner (art. 18 of the Regulations);

(and) get their personal information in a structured way, readable, it is comprensible, as well as' get that such data is transmitted to another holder of the treatment unimpeded (art. 20 of the Regulations);

(f) object to the processing of personal data (art. 21 of the Regulations).

You may revoke at any time the consent given to the owner of data processing, without that the revocation affects the treatment operated up to that moment by the Holder.

9) How to exercise the rights

You can exercise your rights by written request sent to the compnay, the postal address of the registered office or by mailing info@omnimec.com.

10) minors

The holder does not knowingly collect personal information relating to minors. In the event that information about children were inadvertently recorded, the Holder them off in a timely manner, the request of users.

11) Duration of treatment

Please note that, in accordance with the principles of lawfulness, purpose limitation and data minimization, pursuant to Article. 5 of the Regulations:

(to) Your personal data will be kept for the duration of the contract with the company Omnimec srl, and for 10 (ten) years for tax purposes in order to fulfill the additional requirements of the law, and

(b) His free and explicit prior consent to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of point 2 above the box on the site selection dell'apposita www.kreuzspitze-shop.com, Your personal data will be kept 2 (due) years from the moment will be provided.

12) Holders, responsible and in charge

The data controller is Omnimec srl. The updated list of those responsible and in charge of the processing is kept at the headquarters of the Data Controller.


Dear Interested, We wish to inform that "European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data, and the free movement of such data " (from now on "GDPR") provides for the protection of personal data relating to persons should be considered a fundamental right. According to the article 13 of the GDPR, therefore, We inform you that the following.


Omnimec S.r.l. It will process your personal data such as:

or automatically collected data. The IT systems and applications dedicated to the operation of this web site collects, in the course of their normal operation, some data (whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols) potentially associated with identifiable users. Among the data collected includes IP addresses and domain names of computers used by users connecting to the site, URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the file size of the reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the server response (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system, the browser and the computer environment used by the user. This data is treated, for the time necessary, the sole purpose of collecting statistical information about the site and to ensure the smooth operation. Providing such data is required since it is directly connected to the experience of web browsing.

or Data provided voluntarily by. The voluntary and explicit e-mail to the addresses indicated in the different channels of access to this site does not imply consent solicitation and any compilation of specially prepared form involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender / user data, necessary to respond to instances produced and / or provide the requested service. The voluntary, from your part, mail to our e-mail addresses does not require further information or requests for consent. Unlike, Specific summary information will be reported or displayed on web pages dedicated to particular services on request (form). You will therefore need to explicitly consent to the use of the data reported in this form to submit your request.

about Cookies. The site uses cookies only technical, which could raise users' surfing data, which it is optional and occurs via expression of a free and informed consent. Cookies work in order to analyze the effectiveness of the site and make it as easy and intuitive time. The data collected through the cookies are used to make it more enjoyable and more efficient browsing experience in the future, trying to assess user behavior and to modify the proposition of offering content based on their behavior. More information is available a special cookie policy.

2. SOURCE OF PERSONAL DATA: The personal data referred Omnimec S.r.l. is in possession are collected directly from the person concerned.

or Personal Information

The personal data is collected through the use of email and online forms. Every time you visit www.kreuzspitze-shop.com, collect general information about the geographical origin of visitors, on their computer systems, but in a manner strictly anonymous. All these data are incorporated into files of staff responsibilities www.kreuzspitze-shop.com.

or collect personal data:

· Help us understand your needs, in order to offer better services;

· Allow you to communicate with our staff;

· Inform you about the services and promotions offered by www.kreuzspitze-shop.com;

· Develop scientific studies, social, economic and market solely for internal purposes to sites and services www.kreuzspitze-shop.com;

Set up a database for consultation purposes to which only Omnimec S.r.l. personnel have access.


The data controller is Omnimec srl, with registered office at Via Castelnuovo 16 – 38050 Carzano (TN) the email info@omnimec.com


The processing of your data has as legal basis for his consent and is maintained for the following purposes: sending commercial information.


The personal information you provide, will be subject to processing operations in compliance with applicable law and the obligations of confidentiality which inspires the activities of the Owner. The data will be handled either by computer or on paper or on any other kind of support, in compliance with the appropriate security measures under Article 5 through. 1 became. f) of the GDPR.


In relevant limits to the purposes described above, your data may be shared with partners, consulting company, private companies, Officers appointed by the Data Controller or legal obligations or to fulfill your specific requests. Your data will in no way be circulated. The Managers and the effects of treatment in charge in charge are promptly identified in the Privacy Document, updated periodically.


The data collected will not be subject to transfers outside the European Union.


The data are not subject to disclosure. The data are not subject to profiling.


The collected data will be stored for a period of time not exceeding to the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed ("Limitation principle of conservation", art.5, Gdfri) or according to the deadlines set by law. The verification on the obsolescence of data stored in relation to the purposes for which they were collected is periodically carried out.


The individual always has the right to require the holder access to your data, the correction or cancellation of the same, the limitation of the treatment or the possibility to oppose the processing, to request data portability, to withdraw consent to treatment, claiming these and other rights under GDPR through simple communication to the owner. The subject may appeal even to a regulatory or sending an email to info@omnimec.com


The conferment of your data is not required when browsing our website, it becomes necessary to fulfill the contract you would sign with the Company in the event that decides to take advantage of e-commerce service accessible from the site www.kreuzspitze-shop.com.


Omnimec S.r.l. He declares that the personal data are processed lawfully and fairly, collected and recorded for the purposes indicated, and used in other operations that are compatible with those purposes. Omnimec S.r.l. It agrees to take the suitable preventive security measures to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, completeness, the availability of personal data of the.

Personal data is processed in print and / or automated tools, for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected.

Specific security measures are taken to prevent even accidental loss, alterations, improper use, illegal or incorrect use and unauthorized access.

Omnimec S.r.l. We can not be held responsible for the false information sent by the user at the site info@omnimec.com (example: correctness of the email address or details of the credit card or postal address), as well as information concerning him and which have been supplied by a third party, even fraudulently.


The interested, as required by the EU Regulation 679/2016 You have the right at any time to obtain from the data processor: the confirmation of the data and their communication; update, correction, integration, cancellation, the transformation; blocking of data processed in violation of the law, and you may object to the processing of their personal data by sending an email to info@omnimec.com.